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Body Confidence

Feel good in your skin

How we feel about our appearance, physical problems or health concerns associated with too much or too little weight can dominate all areas of our lives. We live in an image-obsessed culture and are bombarded with unrealistic (and frequently unreal) examples of how others think we should look. We may glance in the mirror with dissatisfaction, disappointment or disgust. Our age, food choices or lifestyle can all contribute to unwanted weight gain or loss leaving us feeling unhealthy or risking our longer-term health. Underlying anxiety, stress, pressure, or a sense of inadequacy can lead us to seek comfort in or avoid eating; meals and eating itself may be the source of the anxiety leading us to obsess over our food choices or fear meal occasions.

Do you (or your child over eight years) avoid looking in the mirror or dislike your reflection when you do? Or maybe you compulsively compare yourself to how others look and yearn to look different? Body dysmorphia is characterised by a distorted perception of one's body image, which can lead to significant distress and difficulties in daily functioning. Do you battle with or wish to change your weight - either wanting to put on weight or lose it? Or do you have a disordered relationship with food or eating of any type? Do you plan your day around food and want to find food freedom?

Weight issues or body dysmorphia can be a cause or a symptom of anxiety, stress or depression. You may feel isolated, inadequate or self-conscious because of your weight or appearance. Or, do you make poor choices around food and eating, or overly focus on your appearance because you are anxious or feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope elsewhere in your life? Concerns or anxieties caused by or resulting from your appearance or weight can be tough to resolve. You may regard your body or appearance as a constant reminder or a manifestation of your lack of self-worth.

Weight management and self-perception involve physical, psychological, and emotional factors which influence our relationship with food, ourselves and our overall well-being. Hypnotherapy can help. I will work with you in your situation - you may or may not have an "official diagnosis" of an Eating Disorder. Everyone is different, and I will collaborate and work with you to find the way forward for you and who you are.

We will explore your goals and aims together and work towards your happier, healthier future. Your objectives may be specific and tangible such as changes in your weight, or re-discovering your self-esteem, or freeing yourself from your negative thought patterns and behaviours around food and eating. We will explore and find the way forward for you supported by relaxing and enjoyable hypnosis. Hypnosis will reinforce the new patterns of thinking and behaviours using your conscious and subconscious mind in a state of deep and targeted focus. Hypnosis allows you to tap into your inner motivation, enhance self-control, and develop healthier habits and thoughts around food, exercise or self-care.

Please be aware, where malnourishment is concerned, I prefer to work as part of a supporting team. The priority has to be to re-feed and nourish the body and brain.

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